Once your Enterprise Licence is activated, you are now able to add subscribers to your account. There are three ways to add:
- Share invite link - Simply copy the link and share in your preferred method e.g. email, post on an intranet, etc.
- Bulk upload CSV - Follow the steps to create and upload your Excel file. There is a sample Excel file that will help you to ensure you are uploading a correctly formatted file.
- Manually invite subscriber - Enter the subscriber's email, first and last name. Only click the ‘Administrator’ box if you want to user to edit, add or remove other subscribers.
If needed you can enter the cost centre field. You will be able to download your subscriber list and can use the cost centre field to split the bill. Once complete, click invite.
Managing Subscribers - Errors
You may come across errors that can be amended via the following solutions:
- Subscriber cannot be added - Ensure all mandatory fields are complete and try again.
- Subscriber belongs to another account - Subscriber must contact the admin of the other corporate account within your company and have their access revoked. Once revoked on the other account, a subscriber can be added to the new corporate account within your company.
- Subscriber email address doesn’t match whitelist domains - Try again using an email address that matches whitelist domains or contact customer service to have the domain added to the whitelist.
Activating Subscribers
Once subscribers have been added to the account, they will receive an activation email with instructions on how to join.
- Click ‘Join Corporate Subscription now’.
- You will be directed to a page where you can choose a password and follow the prompts to log in.
- Once the process is complete, the subscriber is all set to start reading.
Re-inviting Subscribers
- If you revoke a subscriber's access, you can easily re-invite by clicking on their profile in the ‘All Subscribers’ section.
- Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on the blue ‘re-invite subscriber’ link.
- An activation email will be sent to the subscriber.